星期五, 9月 28, 2007



星期四, 9月 27, 2007

Lab String Processing

Do Project 5 of Chap. 1 on Page 56.

Write a program that starts with a line of text and then outputs that line of text with the first occurrence of "hate" changed to "love". For example, a possible sample output might be

The line of text to be changed is:
I hate you.
I have rephrased that line to read:
I love you.

Hint: You may consider use the methods: indexOf(A_String) and substring(Start, End) in your program.

Lab 9-28-2007 Simple Calculation

Suppose you are a landscape architect who charges $5,000 per mile to landscape a highway, and suppose you know the length in feet of the high way you are working on. Write a Java program to calculate the price you charge when the length is 6000 and 4000, respectively.

Hint: There are 5280 feet in a mile.

星期五, 9月 21, 2007



Homework 9/21/2007

Due 9/28/2007 at 11:59 a.m.

"tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand"

1. Explain bytecode, JVM
2. Explain class, object
3. Reading Assignments:
Read 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 of Textbook

4.1 Write a Java program as follows:

Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (i++);
Print i;

Ans: 2, 4, 3

4.2 Write a Java program as follows:

Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (++i);
Print i;

Ans: 2, 6, 3

4.3 Write a Java program as follows:

Let m=7, n=2;
Print (double) m/n;
Print m/ (double)n;

Ans: 3.5, 3.5



Lab 2

Do Project 4 on Page 55. (3rd Edition)

Do Project 4 on Page 56. (2nd Edition)

Do Project 1 on Page 54. (1st Edition)

artificial sweetener 人工代糖(過量可以致癌)
diet soda pop 減肥可樂
lose weight 減肥

星期一, 9月 17, 2007

9/14 課堂記事

9326125 9/14 未出席
9441142 9/14 回答問題加分

星期五, 9月 14, 2007

Lab Get familiar with JBuilder

Do Display 1.1

Homework 9/14/2007

Due 9/21/2007 at 11:59 a.m.

1. Watch The Inside Story (Video), write your words on the development and inventor of Java.
2. List at least 5 applications of Java. You must provide the references you used. We recommend Google Search engine.


Public Demonstration



Lab: Using Firefox

Advantages of using Firefox.

Outlines of Lab

1. download Firefox 2.0

2. control font size

3. tabbed browsing

4. subscribe to the course blog

5. Using bookmarks to test RSS feed


Hands on

1. Easy control of font size (try ctrl+ & ctrl- as many times as you like)
2. tabbed browsing (try ctrlT)
3. RSS feed, and support of Blog. Use the RSS feed from http://iapblog.blogspot.com/
to subscribe to it. Also subscribe to your own blog.

If your Firefox didn't work, you should check settings about proxy. It should be set as proxy.cycu.edu.tw at port 3128.

Lab Blogging

1. 至 http://www.blogger.com 申請, 請以你的學號 (s開頭) 申請免費帳號。

2. 張貼你的部落格的第一篇文章。一小段歡迎詞,或是簡短自我介紹,或是你最喜歡的科目與最不喜歡的科目,都可以。

3. 日後請將你的隨堂練習與作業寫在你的 blog, 然後到
Homework 或 Lab 的Comment 登錄作業blog網址就可以了.

4. 尊重智慧財產權,引用他人文章須註明出處。並且應該合乎學術常規,以合理的方式引用。


a. blog需正確設定時區顯示時間 。
b. 請測試他人可否留言(comment)。以方便留下回應意見。


How to insert a link at the following comment, please use the following HTML code.

星期二, 9月 11, 2007


3/e, international
2/e, international


上課內容, 評分原則, 課本, 上機工具

Syllabus: Object Oriented Programming in Java

Grading Policy: Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, Proactiveness, Quiz) 50%, Lab 30%, Homework 20%,

Instructor: Associate Professor Yao-Jen Chang

Email: yjchang at cycu dot edu dot tw (for general purpose communication)

Teaching Assistant:

Textbooks: Walter Savitch, Absolute Java , 3/e, Addison Wesley, 2008

由於上課時上機的需要, 上課務必攜帶課本,可新購或使用舊版皆可。僅限使用原版教科書

Course Outline

1.Introduction to Java

2.Java variables & assignments

3.Java control structures

4.Object oriented design concepts

5. Java abstract data type

6.Java recursion

Learning Packages:

IDE: JBuilder Foundation Edition, Free full version for free download, no registration required http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/download_jbuilder.html


History of Java

Java Tutorials by Sun

Java History: The Inside Story (Video)

James Gosling (on Wikipedia)


學生成績分布(Spring 2008),(Fall 2007)



A photo of leopard

A photo of sleeping leopard

A photo of panther