星期三, 1月 24, 2007
星期五, 1月 19, 2007
Web 2.0 無線行動系統與程式設計成長冬令營
時間: 2007年1月30日,1月31日
地點: 中原大學社區服務中心芳鄰成長園(位置 )
主辦: 電子系網路實驗室 (連絡電話: 4630,報名網址 http://mobilesocialtech.blogspot.com)
費用: 免 (只接受1/26以前之網路報名)
星期一, 1月 08, 2007
Lab Hanoi Tower
The pseudocode for Hanoi Tower is as follows:
Write the Java program based on the pseudocode in the above.
Solve(N, Src, Aux, Dst)
if N is 0 return
Solve(N-1, Src, Dst, Aux)
Move N from Src to Dst
Solve(N-1, Aux, Src, Dst)
Write the Java program based on the pseudocode in the above.
Lab Squared Array
Write a program that given an array of integers, return the squares of the array.
The sqaures are computed in a separate method rather than in the main method.
The sqaures are computed in a separate method rather than in the main method.
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