星期五, 6月 26, 2009

21不是盡頭 柳暗花明又一村


需要看成績者,請先於下方登記,告訴我姓名,並於6/30 早上 8:30 以前到電學512。

星期五, 6月 19, 2009

98-1 任課老師


星期一, 6月 15, 2009



Participation (出席&小考) 50%, Lab 30%, Homework 20%


出席: 缺席ㄧ次扣總分五分,三次以上得不及格

小考: 兩次分數加總平均(請假者個案處理)


Lab: 完整性(是否完成所有上機),準時性,原創性,工整性(程式內容條理是否清晰,說明是否清楚),正確性



ps: 文章意見區關閉,請直接留言在有話要說

星期日, 6月 14, 2009

Lab Hanoi Tower

The pseudocode for Hanoi Tower is as follows:

solve(N, Src, Aux, Dst)
if N is 0 return
solve(N-1, Src, Dst, Aux)
Move N from Src to Dst
solve(N-1, Aux, Src, Dst)

Write the Java program based on the pseudocode in the above.

Lab Factorial

Write a Java program that computes N! where N is a positive integer.


public static long factorial(int n)

Lab Recursive method

Write a recursive method to compute Fibonacci series.



public static long fib(int n)

星期日, 6月 07, 2009




Quiz 6.8.2009

1. Design a static method that can compute the addition of fractions. You must first define Fraction class then write a demo program to verify the class program.

2. Design a non-static method that can compute the addition of fractions. You must first define Fraction class then write a demo program to verify the class program.

3. 列舉至少三個Java記憶體管理的特性

4. 列舉至少三個Java程式的風格

5. Let i, j be two integers. Write a Java program to exchange their values. Please make sure you have good styles of making comments, naming variables, and indenting.

6. Write a complete Java program that uses a for loop to compute the sum of the odd numbers between 1 and 25.

7. 列舉至少三個 API (Application Programming Interface).

8. 列舉 ADT (Abstract Data Type) 的特性.

9. Write a Java program to calculate the cosine function as follows:
Cos(x)=1 - x 2 /2!+ x 4/4!- x 6/6!...
10. Write a Java program to calculate the sin function as follows:
sin(x)=x - x 3/3! + x5/5! - x7/7! ...
11. 請解釋 public static final PI = 3.141592654 中, public, static, final 的意義。
12. 為什麼 static method 不能呼叫 nonstatic method?詳細說明之。
13. 舉三個例子 Object
14. 舉三個例子 Method

星期五, 6月 05, 2009


如果你覺得這學期Java 功課表現尚不滿意,你可以在部落格上自由發揮,用你覺得比較好的方式告訴別人,其實我已經學好 Java ,我會閱讀你所書寫。

星期一, 6月 01, 2009

Homework 6-1-2009 Modular Sorting

Write a sort method which takes a double array as parameter
and returns the sorted array. Call this method in a main program.

Hint: The lab is a rewriting of Lab Sorting
to make the sorting procedure a reusable method.

Lab Array

Study Display 6.1, and then write a program that can sort numbers in ascending order.