星期一, 5月 26, 2008

Lab Overloading

Do Display 4.11

Lab ADT, accessor, mutator

Define a Complex class and write an object oriented program to compute (2+3i)+(4+5i) in Java.
The methods should include an access and a mutator.

Quiz 3: Jun-2-2008

Format: closed book
Running time: 30 min.
Scope: Chap. 4

星期一, 5月 19, 2008

Homework 5-19-2008

1. Do Temperature Project, which is Project 7 (3rd, 2nd ed.) or Project 3 (1st ed.).

lab Fraction equality test

Write a program to implement a method that can check whether 2 fractions are equal. You will implement a class called Fraction consisting of a numerator and a denominator. The equality test of 2 fractions should return a boolean value.

Use the following as the tests.

  • 1/2, 2/4
  • 5/6, 6/7

Fraction f1, f2;

lab Fraction Addition

Write a program to implement a method that can do additions of 2 fractions. You will implement a class called Fraction consisting of a numerator and a denominator. The additions of
2 fractions should be equal to a fraction.
Use 1/2+1/3 as the test.

Fraction f1, f2;

