Define a class called Counter whose objects count things. An object of this class records a count that is a nonnegative integer. Include methods to set the counter to 0, to increase the count by 1, and to decrease the count by 1. Include an accessor method that returns the current count value and a method that outputs the count to the screen. Write a program to test
星期五, 3月 27, 2009
lab class definition 2
Study Display 4.4 (2nd ed. and 3rd ed.) or Display 4.2 & Display 4.3 (1st ed.) and then
1. Comment out date.setDate(6, 17, year); by // date.setDate(6, 17, year);
2. At the next line below, add date.readInput();
3. Run the program again. Fix any problems you may encouter along the way.
4. At the last line of your program, add System.out.println(date.month);
and see what happens. Why?
1. Comment out date.setDate(6, 17, year); by // date.setDate(6, 17, year);
2. At the next line below, add date.readInput();
3. Run the program again. Fix any problems you may encouter along the way.
4. At the last line of your program, add System.out.println(date.month);
and see what happens. Why?
星期二, 3月 24, 2009
ACM International Conference on Compuetrs and Accessibility (ASSETS) 是世界一流的國際學術會議,考驗著我們實驗室團隊的創新能力,論述能力,概念呈現,以及研究成果具體對身障者之貢獻。
星期一, 3月 23, 2009
Homework: 3/23/2009
Write a program to calculate average income by gender based on the following data, where F stands for female and M for male.
F 62,000
M 25,000
F 38,000
F 43,000
M 65,000
M 120,000
F 80,000
M 30,100
You should be able to allow users to type in a whole line such as F 80,000 followed by next line M 30,100.
F 62,000
M 25,000
F 38,000
F 43,000
M 65,000
M 120,000
F 80,000
M 30,100
You should be able to allow users to type in a whole line such as F 80,000 followed by next line M 30,100.
星期六, 3月 21, 2009
星期一, 3月 16, 2009
Lab Cosine
Write a Java program to calculate the triangular function as follows:
Cos(x)=1 - x 2 /2!+ x 4/4!- x 6/ 6!...
Cos(x)=1 - x 2 /2!+ x 4/4!- x 6/ 6!...
Lab Fibonacci
List the first 100 numbers and the ratio of
a number to its previous number, such as 1/1 = 1, 2/1 = 2, 3/2 = 1·5, 5/3 = 1·666..., 8/5 = 1·6, 13/8 = 1·625, 21/13 = 1·61538....
Want to know more about Fibonacci number
a number to its previous number, such as 1/1 = 1, 2/1 = 2, 3/2 = 1·5, 5/3 = 1·666..., 8/5 = 1·6, 13/8 = 1·625, 21/13 = 1·61538....
Want to know more about Fibonacci number
Homework 3-16-2009
1. Project 7 of Chap. 3
2. Write a program to generate the following table of arithmetic expressions
1*1=1 1*2=2 1*3=3 ... 1*9=9
2*1=2 2*2=4 2*3=6 ... 2*9=19
9*1=9 9*2=18 9*3=27 ... 9*9=81
2. Write a program to generate the following table of arithmetic expressions
1*1=1 1*2=2 1*3=3 ... 1*9=9
2*1=2 2*2=4 2*3=6 ... 2*9=19
9*1=9 9*2=18 9*3=27 ... 9*9=81
Lab Finding the max of a list of numbers
Based on your study of Display 3.8, write a code to find the max and min of a list of number.
For example, given 1,3,5, and9, the max is 9 and the min is 1.
Your program should be able to process a list of any length.
For example, given 1,3,5, and9, the max is 9 and the min is 1.
Your program should be able to process a list of any length.
Lab Finding the max of three numbers
Write a program to decide the max number of the three input number.
Lab Tax Calculation
Study Display 3.1. Based on the income tax rate in Taiwan,
calculate the income tax of a person whose annual income is 1,000,000 or 2,000,000.
calculate the income tax of a person whose annual income is 1,000,000 or 2,000,000.
星期五, 3月 13, 2009
專題演講: 量子力學與天文物理導讀 (禪與生活藝術) 講者: 張耀仁 中原大學電子系
講題: 量子力學與天文物理
講者: 張耀仁,中原大學電子系
課程: 禪與生活藝術,胡寶林院長主持
時間: 3/18/2009, 5:10-6:40 p.m.
星期一, 3月 09, 2009
Homework 3-9-2009
1. Do Project 4 in Chapter 2
2. Do Project 5 in Chapter 2
3. Do Project 6, in Chapter 2
4. Do Project 7, in Chapter 2
2. Do Project 5 in Chapter 2
3. Do Project 6, in Chapter 2
4. Do Project 7, in Chapter 2
Kevin 同學請我轉貼以下訊息:
3/11 18:30在中原大學活動中心音樂廳也有舉辦巡迴講座,
3/11 18:30在中原大學活動中心音樂廳也有舉辦巡迴講座,
星期二, 3月 03, 2009
Web 2.0網路服務與Ontology技術在非營利租屋網站上之行動研究與效能分析:以崔媽媽租屋網為例 (先進工程期刊: 4卷2期 2009/04) 即將刊登
非營利組織運用Web 2.0社群運算之質化分析與效益評估-以精神障礙者復健與就業輔導工作資訊系統為例(先進工程期刊: 3卷2期 2008/04)
Web 2.0網路服務與Ontology技術在非營利租屋網站上之行動
非營利組織運用Web 2.0社群運算之質化分析與效益評估-以精神障礙者復健與就業輔導工作資訊系統為例(先進工程期刊: 3卷2期 2008/04)
NGO使用網上論壇效益分析: 以精障就業輔導社工為例 (tanet2008)
智慧型精障者路徑導引與預防走失系統之研製 (tanet07) |
無線行動化的社區智慧型空間- 認知障礙者路徑指引系統 (tanet07) |
Web 2.0技術在租屋網站上之實務與研究 -以崔媽媽租屋網為例 (ncs07) |
以行動科學研究法探討Blog 在精神障礙就業輔導的應用(mist2007)
- 學生成果獲選美國ACM ASSEST 2007 無障礙科技競賽前四名
- 由張耀仁老師帶領學生,以研發的實境導航系統,在2007年10月入圍美國無障礙科技研究大賽。此大賽是由微軟公司所贊助的非營利比賽,全球只選出25組,至美國鳳凰城,進行為期三天的科技競賽;由於台灣在過去14年來未有任何作品入圍,因此本次能入圍實屬不易。
星期一, 3月 02, 2009
Homework 3-2-2009
1. Write a program that can reverse the order of an input string. For example, if you input "ab", it will output "ba". If you input "abcdefg", it should return "gfedcba".
2. Write a program that can print names alternatively. The names are in the format of "First Name + Last Name" or "Last Name, First Name". For example, if you input "Walt Savitch", your program will output "Savitch, Walt". If you input "Savitch, Walt", your program will output "Walt Savitch".
Due Mar 9, 2009 at 6:50 p.m.
2. Write a program that can print names alternatively. The names are in the format of "First Name + Last Name" or "Last Name, First Name". For example, if you input "Walt Savitch", your program will output "Savitch, Walt". If you input "Savitch, Walt", your program will output "Walt Savitch".
Due Mar 9, 2009 at 6:50 p.m.
Lab String Processing
Do Project 5 of Chap. 1 on Page 56.
Write a program that starts with a line of text and then outputs that line of text with the first occurrence of "hate" changed to "love". For example, a possible sample output might be
The line of text to be changed is:
I hate you.
I have rephrased that line to read:
I love you.
Hint: You may consider use the methods: indexOf(A_String) and substring(Start, End) in your program.
Write a program that starts with a line of text and then outputs that line of text with the first occurrence of "hate" changed to "love". For example, a possible sample output might be
The line of text to be changed is:
I hate you.
I have rephrased that line to read:
I love you.
Hint: You may consider use the methods: indexOf(A_String) and substring(Start, End) in your program.
Lab Java casting
Write a Java program as follows:
Let m=1, n=2;
Print m/n
Print m/ (double)n;
Print (double) m/n;
Let m=1, n=2;
Print m/n
Print m/ (double)n;
Print (double) m/n;
Lab Java operators
(a) Write a Java program as follows:
Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (i++);
Print i;
Ans: 2, 4, 3
(b) Write a Java program as follows:
Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (++i);
Print i;
Ans: 2, 6, 3
Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (i++);
Print i;
Ans: 2, 4, 3
(b) Write a Java program as follows:
Let i=2;
Print i;
Print 2 * (++i);
Print i;
Ans: 2, 6, 3
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