星期一, 2月 26, 2007

Preparing for the class

This is my sixth semester teaching Java at CYCU. These days I was looking for the reason why I kept on doing the same thing. Unless I found it, I would not be able to step into the classroom and give a good lecture, that kind of lecture students will like and remember even years after.

Watching videos about James Gosling and the persons who worked with him is very inspiring and encouraging to me. Before I found those videos on the Internet, I read some stories about how Java was created. The stories were great but the videos were even better. Both the stories and the videos fuel the passions into me, the kind of passion I need after teaching Java in 6 consecutive semesters.

Tonight, I watched Carl Sagan's TV series Cosmos followed by the Hollywood movie "Contact," which was based on Carl's novel. I felt more passions before the day ended.
