星期五, 10月 31, 2008

Quiz 10-31-2008

1. Write a Java program to calculate the trianular function as follows:
Cos(x)=1 - 2!/x 2 + 4!/x 4- 6!/x 6...

2. Write a Java program to calculate the sin function as follows:
sin(x)=x - 3!/x 3 + 5!/x5 - 7!/x7 ...

3. Write a Java program that can determine the minimum of any 4 numbers.

4. Write a Java program that can determine the maximum of any 4 numbers.

5. Let i, j be two integers. Write a Java program to exchange their values. Please make sure you have good styles of making comments, naming variables, and indenting.

6. Write a complete Java program that uses a for loop to compute the sum of the odd numbers between 1 and 25.

7. Explain syntax errors and sematic errors.

8. Explain programming styles and naming conventions in Java.

9. What is Java Virtual Machine and Java Bytecode?

10. Explain Java's feature "Write once, run anywhere."
